Atrivity Blog | Growing Business with Games

The New Trend in Pharma that’s changing the way leaders host Scientific Events

Written by Roger Martínez | April 1, 2021 at 9:45 AM

The beginning of the coronavirus pandemic completely changed the way the pharmaceutical industry has been holding events (cycle meetings, symposiums, doctor's visits, small international meetings or congresses). Today, in the context of digital expansion, events are being held remotely or in a hybrid fashion but they just don't have the same impact on attendees. The well-known "zoom fatigue" and less face-to-face contact leads to less retention of knowledge, a severe lack of attention and low participation at these types of events.

So, how can you create an event that makes a bigger impact on attendees? The new Live Online Learning (LOL) programs are a short event concept, accessible virtually anywhere and easy to deliver for KOLs. Despite this, attendees quickly lose interest and forget everything they have learned during the event, because you need something interesting to hold the attention of the attendees permanently. If your goal is to increase the number of registrations, engage, satisfy and increase knowledge you really HAVE TO offer a new experience that creates the willingness of your audience to repeat.

Build LOL programs with "The New Trends".

It's a scientific reality that we forget much of what we learn soon after we've heard it, but we can retain the information learned if it is repeated and reinforced at intervals. One of the new trends highlights that it's essential to accompany a live event with elements that allow the content to be delivered in a fun way that captures the attention of the audience and something that they can review it as many times as they want, where and when they want. How? Through gamification it's possible to create a unique experience where attendees stay engaged, interact with the content before, during and after the live event through their mobile phone. We all have one, don't we?

Thanks to Atrivity's gamified mobile app you can accompany your LOL programs with content delivered before, during and after in an interactive way, offering an excellent experience and allowing you to measure everything in real time thanks to its data analytics. How can you use it? Here is a proposed plan for a new communication and learning experience: let's get started!

#1 - Pre-event: the best preparation

To ensure the maximum number of attendees at your event and a positive way to engage attendees prior to it kicking off is to communicate the objectives, agenda and content. This is a simple way to ensure that your audience is informed, committed and ready to participate. Disclosing specific activities that will take place is key to creating interest a few weeks before the start of the event.

🌟Our experts' solution:

With Atrivity's mobile app it is possible to inform attendees how they can register, allowing you to send them the final agenda and any relevant information about the dynamics of the event. A differential factor for the event experience is to send pre-reading micro-content to reveal part of the content that will be followed during the session and make them play. Why? Through the answers on the previous content you can detect gaps in knowledge and adjust your live presentation according to the results obtained.

#2 - Event: everybody pay attention

The day of the event is here! After nurturing your audience with previous content, it's time to capture their attention throughout the different sessions scheduled in the agenda. How can you achieve this? One of the main pains for any remote event is to measure the degree of attention and understanding of the information presented. If you are not able to engage and captivate your audience, all the resources put into the preparation of the event will have been for nothing.

🌟Our experts' solution:

Gamify the different sessions of the event with challenges using the Atrivity solution to create interest and capture their attention throughout the event. In addition, once the event is over you have the option to create an unforgettable experience for all attendees, this is done by initiating a final 20-minute battle for attendees to challenge each other and show who knows the most. The rankings let you see how the fellow gamers are performing on an individual and/or team level! The questions at the end of each session allow you to measure the understanding of each point and the final game helps to reinforce the key messages to be absorbed by the event attendees.

Do you know the best thing about it? At the end of the event you will receive a complete analysis of the increased knowledge, most failed questions and statistics per player. In addition, you can optionally include the materials along with the questions in Atrivity's digital library as a future reference for attendees to review anytime, anywhere.

#3 - Post-event: and then what?

Thought this was going to be it? Extend the event experience further. The aim is to minimise the forgetting curve through repetition of the content already presented. How can you do this? In the 3-5 days after the event, it's good to send out questions associated with the training content and have another quiz battle. At the end of this training, the attendees will have answered an average of 200 questions, which is a fun way to review the content!

🌟Advice from our experts:

Gamifying the post-event content will provide you with a detailed report similar to the one obtained during the event, allowing you to compare knowledge instantly and define future training plans based on the results. With Atrivity it is very easy to observe the degree of attention, the evolution of understanding and learning by topics and specific questions.

Atrivity team’s conclusions

To get the most out of your events, whether they are face-to-face, remote or hybrid, it's essential to have solutions that allow you to learn and analyse your audience.

  • During the pre-event you must create a communication channel to transmit information effectively, providing materials and tests to prepare the audience.
  • During the event, permanently capture the attention of the attendees and create interest in the audience by transforming the event into a social interaction between peers thanks to the gamification of the content.
  • Finally, in the post-event it extends the experience beyond the event with activities to reinforce the concepts presented to minimise the forgetting curve and obtain relevant data to improve future celebrations.