To mitigate the risks associated to non-compliance, senior managers have increased compliance training programs. With the onset of GDPR reinforcement this May and since the last reform of the Penal Code in Spain, accountability is at the forefront of every business dealing with regulations, quality, and private citizen data. The need to reinforce guidelines and acquiring proper certifications is paramount for essentially every company of every size.
Today Nicolau Valverde, Product Manager at CEVA, 9th largest animal health company worldwide reporting €1.1 B in sales, shares why he opted for mobile gamification as a training tool for the compliance process, specifically for Quality Claims.Officers in charge of compliance are responsible for ensuring that their organizations operate in accordance with industry regulations, legislation determined by the government, and established internal policies and procedures. Large companies, and SMEs alike are affected. In fact, in 2017 SMEs increased 25% of the demand for compliance services.
Compliance is crucial to a company's integrity with an indirect impact on market confidence in a brandl, but often lost in day-to-day operational priorities. Staying compliant is a necessary evil. Most employees, even top level officers, overlook this area and only reacting to avoid fines. So how can organizations effectively distribute necessary information and guarantee employees' knowledge retention without boring or overwhelming them?
About our Guest blogger, Nicolau Valverde is a certified pharmacist. Since 2015 in the company. After consolidating the position of Head of Quality Claims Manager, he has been promoted to Product Manager in CEVA.
Q: How was the Quality Claims processes training traditionally carried out?
In the company, training is delivered when a new person comes onboard. Historically, they were given a regulations, quality claims presentation at an in-person meeting. The presentation generated little interest among attendees- a big challenge for us. In addition, updates or reminders were difficult to manage and communicate, which was ineffective and inconvenient.
Solution: Now, we deliver the presentation and announce that there will be a game, using Atrivity to capture everyone's attention. The impact was immediate. Everyone was more engaged, paid attention to the material knowing they would be tested and challenging their co-workers in friendly competition. The entire process was much more dynamic and even fun!
Q: What challenges did you have or did your previous training formats lack?
They were dull and unattractive to the attendees. The method was unmotivating and the content close to impossible to digest. Reinforcing the concepts was a huge challenge. No matter how necessary it is to our organization to, it is a subject of zero interest.
In the end, time and money were spent without achieving any tangible result.
Q: Are some aspects of traditional formats maintained?
No, no aspect of the previous formats is maintained.
Now, instead of making a presentation for the training, we previously sent you an email with a PDF reading document. Subsequently, we send another reminder email and, finally, a series of emails within the campaign communication, reminding the subject matter of the game. In this case, it was Pharmacovigilance and Quality Claims.
Q: How does Atrivity fit into this type of training? Is it part of a larger Quality Claims program?
Atrivity fits very nicely in this type of training. By breaking away from the established format we got more people excited about participating. The team members are already extremely competitive and this format motivates them that much more, regardless of the topic to be discussed.
In addition to the specific trainings that new hires receive in traditional format, the Atrivity game, last year, was the only method we used for the training program in Quality Claims.
Q: What have been the strongest points of the experience with Atrivity?
On the one hand, a strong point has been the modality of the live game with the interactive feature of projecting player ranking on a live screen for everyone to see. Another strong point was the possibility to immediately address the most failed answers, a KPI delivered in the Atrivity Game Center, which we could view in the ranking of incorrect answers.
With our help and as recognition for high achievers, we had the winner present the reason for the right versus the wrong questions.
Q: In what ways has Atrivity helped you achieve your goals?
We have managed to offer an active training of great value to the company in a dynamic and pleasant way for the participants.
As I mentioned earlier, training on this topic is usually the least attractive for employees. With Atrivity, in addition to the comments, we broke away from the "monotony" of the typical everyday presentation format with something effective, motivating and completely different and fun.
At the end of the game, the CEVA company obtained a participation of 96.43% of the employees. With a duration of 856 minutes, players went from 15% knowledge in the first minutes, to 82% at the end of the game.